Sunday 23 December 2012


Rain!. Definitely the raining season right now. It's hard to go anywhere when it's rain. But one thing for sure, I kinda like a rainy season. It makes me feel like cold and heartless..hhhaah... just kidding!. It make me feel like cold, cozy and my body not sweating much on the rainy season. But hard for me to go anyway when rainy season. I wonder how it's feel when have no transportation and have to walked in this season!

Back to the good old days. When my brother and I was a little kid. I think I was 12 and my brother was 8 years old. We deliberated waiting for the rainy season for enjoyed our natural swimming pool, "flood".
Hahaha... It just to wait only one night of heavy rains and tomorrow, we will enjoying our natural swimming pool. It nice to have all of our friends swimming around the house. One minute at my house and next to my neighbour's house. 

I'm older enough to do all that silly thing when I was a kid. But, if I can pretend I was a kid, maybe I can do all the silly thing but it's not feel the same. The place was not the same, the people was not the same. It just in my memories remain there but in reality, It's not feel the same way again!.  

Now, it's rain again. Make me feel so cold and comfort. Here I am, sitting in front of the window, waiting for something might be happen. A miracles perhaps.  :)

1 comment:

  1. nice....have 'swimming pool' got no pool, me got puddles only..hehe
